
Biomass Briquette and Pellets

The process of converting agricultural waste into solid blocks of bio-fuel called Briquette or pellets (depending upon their shape). They are cylindrical in shape and are made by compressing the agricultural residue with high mechanical pressure, removing the need for any chemicals.
Biomass Briquette and Pellets made at Shubhshree Biofuels Energy Ltd makes transportation over longer distances easier and also makes it easy for the end use in boilers and furnaces.
With world class machinery and sustainability as a priority we have proudly spread our wings all across India. Our consistent efforts to bring the best technology and operational excellence into play have enabled us to convert agricultural scrap into an array of superior products. Our methods minimize waste, give farmers their long due revenues and safeguard our precious environment.

Our Products

Mustard Briquettes

Sawdust Briquettes

Groundnut Briquettes

Mustard Pellets

Sawdust Pellets

Groundnut Pellets

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